Hi there! Thanks for taking a minute to visit my site dedicated to my personal and professional journey. It’s a constant work in progress so if you have any feedback please let me know!
Maydjabot is a representation of my personal brand, my name is fairly common and I wanted a unique, one word identifier that I could use across the internet as something that would be difficult to copy and interesting. Thanks to this unique identifier I am now generally easy to find across any social media platforms you might be searching on. As a person - I am a father, leader, technologist, and coach who is consistently finding opportunities to learn and try new things or develop my skills (wood working, building PC’s, designing websites, cooking, and golf as the most recent examples), and strives for consistent improvement. I believe in living the life you create and that mentality has helped me continue to find opportunities to advance my career and constantly grow as a person. As a professional - I am a leader, technologist, coach, and strategist who is consistently striving to build people up, accomplish lofty goals as a team, take advantage of technology to improve systems and processes, and find better ways of doing things.
If that sounds like someone you’d like to talk to - please don’t hesitate to reach out!